Use the command "npm i @appblocks/bb-cli" in the your command prompt.
block.config.json is where cli stores critical information about the blocks. The data from this config helps CLI to make informed decision on how to handle your blocks. configs are usually kept both in your git repo and appblocks registry. if block is a package block, user should manually push it to registry using bb push-config
CLI is built using javascript and so it needs Node in your machine to work irrespective of the OS. Step one would be to install node. Use nvm or install directly from nodejs website. after that, install bb-cli from npmjs. make sure to install bb-cli globally.
User can user bb config command to view and edit cli configuration. use bb config --help for more information
Use "bb delete <block-name>" for deleting blocks. This will also try to delete the block repo from github (if you are using github)
All values in .env inside block dirs are parsed and added to respective envs (.env.view for view blocks and .env.fucntions for function blocks) on start. Just add a .env inside your block directory
Yes there is! CLI has a one time stop all facility. use stop with "-g" from anywhere. "bb stop -g". CLI will try to located all blocks and stop them for you.
CLI generated webpack config has the setup for @module-federation/fmr . Uncomment the code and add you container name and port. Do this in every federated component where you want HMR.
"bb init" is used to create a package block. "bb create" is used to create a block; UI, Function, or Shared Block. This command will prompt you to choose the type of block. It will also create a sample template.